Familiar with the picture on my business card ? figure it out yet? It's Series of Love - Recovering necklace .Serena Chen 的名片!!! 有覺得名片上的圖案似曾相似嗎? 那是戀愛3部曲 - 康復期項鍊 Photo/攝影:Big Jean
Serena isn't an expert at creation market ! It had been half year that I didn't participate creation market .During dragon boat festival holidays, I joined Green breeze creation market! The venue which is such fabulauce to relax is surrounded by grass, lakes and trees.
Serena 陳禹潔的創意市集擺攤經驗並不多.距離上次創意市集擺攤也快半年了!! 端午連假Serena來到中壢綠風草原餐廳創意市集. 這地方真是好山好水放鬆心情的"好所在".
There was a nice view of a lake and grass oppsite my booth. Kids and pets juat played around. I really wanted to join them having fun! Surrounded grass are tress,which offered platforms for kids playing for. I did climb it! ha !
攤位ㄧ望眼過去就是一座湖跟一片綠油油的草皮!!! 小朋友跟寵物不時在草地上嬉戲追逐.害我超想躺在草地上沿著草皮坡度打滾的!!! (其它攤友制止我 哈哈!) 草皮周圍的大樹上可以讓小朋友爬上嬉戲!! 真的很棒!! 小時後的我還滿喜歡爬到樹上坐在樹枝上跟玩伴聊天!! 當然我也不免俗的也爬上去乾過癮一下 .
Last yaer i ran into my classmate in a creation market, who is responsoble for interior & architecture design of Green breeze restaurant . She bought a pendant Evoking memories of Stockholm from me. By an opportunity, one day when my classmate was wearing my work ,the restaurant of "big boss" saw my work. He likes too. ha ha . Thus this time at Green breeze creation market, the big boss also bough a necklace (Series of Love - Recovering) from me .
其實這次會來綠風草原餐廳創意市集是有一段小故事! 去年年底在某次創意市集遇到以前同學! 這位同學正是設計綠風草原餐廳的設計師也就是日涵設計創辦者.當初這位同學買了我的"喚起斯德哥爾摩印象-手繪系列墬鍊. 同學某日戴上我的作品被綠風草原餐廳的"董ㄟ"看到!! 小小讚許一下!! 就這樣因緣際會之下來到綠風草原餐廳創意市集. 市集當天 "董ㄟ" 也買了Serena的戀愛3部曲 - 康復期項鍊呢!
It's really awful since all the photos I took at Green breeze creation market that they all gone! but lucky me. The booth next to me is fly to me100 studio, he helped me to take the photos .
市集當天Serena陳禹潔可是拍了很多照片呢! 無奈相機出狀況! 所有照片泡湯! 幸好攤友飛特米工作室Big Jean鼎力相助幫Serena 拍了很多照片! 感謝 ! 也感謝當天到市集幫忙還有載送Serena到中壢來回的朋友!

Necklace / 項鍊 戀愛3部曲 - 康復期Photo/攝影:Big Jean

Necklace / 項鍊 戀愛3部曲 - 康復期Photo/攝影:Big Jean

Photo/攝影:Big Jean
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