Feb 20, 2009

Young Designers' Exhibition / 新一代設計展

A big design even is just right on the corner. 2009 Young Designers' Exhibition will be held from May, 14th - May 17th.The most exciting thing that's you will have an opportunity to see a Swedish design & arts team to present their work.
年度最大的設計展盛事即將到來,2009年新一代設計展將於5月14日 - 17日展開. 讓人最興奮的事是這一次的展覽你將有機會飽覽到瑞典的設計及藝術團隊呈現他們的作品.

The book "Designers' viewpoint from Stockholm" writer Max, he is planing the Swedish design team to participate the design fair. According to Max description, the whole idea to organize the exhibition which is to rise public attentions about another side of the world, through our images, displays and works. We want to turn this world into a brighter place, through Swedish designers’ works, thoughts and voices.The most ost important of all, is your participating
設計之神國度- 斯德哥爾摩設計觀點作者馬克斯是這次策劃瑞典團隊的推手.根據馬克思的描素, 這次瑞典設計及藝術團隊來台展出最主要訴求重點是希望透過這些瑞典創意者的作品,影像,想法及聲音來引起大眾的共鳴,進而讓我們這個環境更好.,最重要的事要有您的參與才能能讓這股力量放大.

This creative team will be included 13 Swedish and 2 Taiwanese who used to study in Sweden. Moreover, they are all specialized in different design & art areas; such as fashion, photography, art,graphic, music, ceramics, interior deco, textile,design, interior/ space & jewelry design.

I am quite excited since I am part of this team. So if you would like to have more information about this design even, please have time to look at

對於這次盛事,我個人是抱持著非常期待及亢奮的心情,因為我也是這團隊成員之一. 若您想要知道更多相關資訊,你可以瀏覽以下相關網站.

Young Designers' Exhibition / 新一代設計展官網


1 comment:

  1. 您好,我們是dpi設計雜誌,近日在dpi快樂網路頻道有一個新企劃,希望能為新一代的傑出作品作一個專題回顧,並選出傑出的團隊於dpi雜誌報導,不只讓更多人看見台灣新一代好設計,未來也將提供更多設計商品展示的平台,期待您的參與,活動詳情請見dpi快樂網路頻道及dpi無名小站。



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