Felieke van der Leest is a creative Dutch jewelry designer. Last year she was here for giving a lecture in Taipei. In the lecture, I found out that my professor Ruudt Peters was her professor too. Furthermore, we have one thing in common that is mostly both of us would prefer to make our work with our hands directly rather than drawing sketches before making pieces .
Felieke是知名的荷蘭籍創意性珠寶設計師.去年Felieke有來台演講.從演講內容得知Felieke竟然跟我是師出同門.都是Ruudt Peters的學生.此外我們還有一個共通點就是在開始創作設計作品時大部分時候是習慣用手直接創作代替繪製草稿.
Felieke collects a lot of animal toys.and she works with them as well and combine knitting & metal pieces. Animals and tv are her good friends. Animals inspire her a lot on her design. Tv is always keeping her company when is knitting at her couch.
Felieke 她收集很多動物公仔.她的作品都是用動物公仔再搭配勾針跟金屬結合. 動物跟電視也是Felieke 的好朋友.動物總是給她源源不斷的創作靈感.至於電視則是她坐在客廳沙發勾針時的好伙伴.
I do really like and enjoy her work. so creative, humorous and make me smile!Hope you do have same feeling as mine.
Felieke 的幽默創意作品是會讓人慧心一笑, 希望你也能感同身受.

這張作品是獅子布萊恩Brain the lion.你可以看到布萊恩在嘶吼尖叫.一開始Felieke還遇到瓶頸.要怎嚜設計布萊恩的眼睛,從鑲鑽到寶石,後來某日陽光普照,她從家裡窗戶望出去,她看到很多人戴太陽眼鏡. 就這樣她也幫布萊恩打造一附純金眼鏡. 之後攝影師幫布萊恩拍照後.剛好有一間雜誌想要介紹Felieke 的作品. 事後Felieke 很想要它的布萊恩士登上雜誌封面.後來幾度跟雜誌社接洽溝通Felieke 跟雜誌社總編輯說,難道你沒看到我們家的布萊恩一直在那吶喊尖叫就是為了登上你們家雜誌封面ㄚ.就這樣布萊恩如他所願了.Felieke 那一陣子出路書店, 超商都可以看到書報架上有她的布萊恩身影.她說感覺真棒.......哈哈.......
photo from Felieke's lecture in Taipei./照片取自Felieke 台北演講幻燈片翻拍

這件作品Felieke也是相當滿意的一件. 當初她在創作這件Super Freak Zebra/超級怪咖斑馬巨星.她是想塑造成像麥克傑克森那樣. 一開始她還在想說斑馬的雙手在擺哪裡好, 後來某天她突然把斑馬雙手插入口袋,她索然就解決斑馬的雙手.放進口袋也不用做斑馬的手了. 省事一樁.Felieke 的座右銘. simple is the best solution. .............哈哈怪咖斑馬很有搖滾巨星的fu吧.
photo from Felieke's lecture in Taipei./照片取自Felieke 台北演講幻燈片翻拍

Felieke 與麻吉蘿蔔泥跟攤友Ann合照
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