When I first time saw Dala Horses in Sweden, I was fascinated by the handicrafts and colors.Dala Horse is more readily recognised Swedish symbol than the flag. Thus for my new collections,Dala Horse has been my inspiration .(please see my photo album for more specific informations)
瑞典達拉木馬要比瑞典國旗更讓人印象深刻.猶記我第一次看到達拉木馬時, 被它的手工跟顏色深深吸引住.這麼多年仍對它念念不忘,於是乎瑞典達拉木馬便順理成章變成了我新一系列產品創作靈感.

Necklace/ 項鍊

From my Dala Horse collections, you might see they are quite different from original one. Yes, indeed, I do give my Dala Horses my own interpretation, which is more Serena style.The most strongly changed that is it's costume.not that ethnic anymore.(below u will see the original Dala Horse )
從達拉木馬系列, 你可以很明顯看到跟正統的瑞典達拉木馬很不一樣.沒錯, 是地.你沒看錯 .我用我自己的詮釋方式賦予達拉木馬更多Serena style. 最明顯的改變就是我將達拉木馬變裝了. 不再那麼民族風了.(以下照片你可以看到正統達拉木馬)

I was holding an original Dala horse / 手上拿的就是正統達拉木馬(Lotta & I were on travel magazine / Lotta & 我意外上了旅遊雜誌 )
By the way, during school corse" color & form" in Sweden, I had to make a stament about "Swedish Identity. Dala Horse just came out right of my mind. I made 3 styrofoam Dala horses and represented them as Swedish family,who were eating typical Swedish food. My uni rented a flat from Ericsson office. Each student had own space to present each work.Thus follow photos you would see the whole process of making styrofoam Dala horses & presentation.
順便一提, 之前在學校色彩與造型課程.有一次課程安排何謂"瑞典人身分".達拉木馬立刻直接閃過我腦海. 我做了3個寶麗龍達拉木馬代表瑞典家庭.並且為他們煮了瑞典人常吃的食物.學校特別跟易利信租了一層樓辦公室,每個學生可以擁有一間辦公室展示自己的作品成果.以下照片你可以看到我製作及展示過程.

I was working on my project / 我在學校工作室雕刻寶麗龍達拉木馬情況.戴米老鼠口罩.穿圍

the shapes were getting ready / 雛型漸漸完成
從達拉木馬系列, 你可以很明顯看到跟正統的瑞典達拉木馬很不一樣.沒錯, 是地.你沒看錯 .我用我自己的詮釋方式賦予達拉木馬更多Serena style. 最明顯的改變就是我將達拉木馬變裝了. 不再那麼民族風了.(以下照片你可以看到正統達拉木馬)

I was holding an original Dala horse / 手上拿的就是正統達拉木馬(Lotta & I were on travel magazine / Lotta & 我意外上了旅遊雜誌 )
By the way, during school corse" color & form" in Sweden, I had to make a stament about "Swedish Identity. Dala Horse just came out right of my mind. I made 3 styrofoam Dala horses and represented them as Swedish family,who were eating typical Swedish food. My uni rented a flat from Ericsson office. Each student had own space to present each work.Thus follow photos you would see the whole process of making styrofoam Dala horses & presentation.
順便一提, 之前在學校色彩與造型課程.有一次課程安排何謂"瑞典人身分".達拉木馬立刻直接閃過我腦海. 我做了3個寶麗龍達拉木馬代表瑞典家庭.並且為他們煮了瑞典人常吃的食物.學校特別跟易利信租了一層樓辦公室,每個學生可以擁有一間辦公室展示自己的作品成果.以下照片你可以看到我製作及展示過程.

I was working on my project / 我在學校工作室雕刻寶麗龍達拉木馬情況.戴米老鼠口罩.穿圍

the shapes were getting ready / 雛型漸漸完成

rendering / 上色完成
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