Jul 28, 2010

Bulletin of Mood / 心情告示榜

In 2009, Serena Chen designed "Series of  Love "collection. In 2010, Serena Chen continues to create another collection called "  Bulletin of Mood".
在2009推出"戀愛3部曲"後.2010年Serena Chen繼續設計出心情告示榜系列.
In this collection, Serena Chen uses simple elements;such as clouds,rain,the sun and rainbow to describe  mood changing.
在心情告示榜系列,Serena Chen運用簡單元素;如雲朵,雨,彩虹還有太陽來描述心情的喜怒哀樂..

When you are in a bad mood,  what do you like to do ?Just want to be alone? This necklace is called "Rainy Day ", and it also represents I am " In a bad mood".  As you can see there is a rainy cloud under an umbrella with a rain drop. The necklace expresses that oh no , I am in a bad mood, please don't bother me. just leave me alone.
當你心情不好時,是不是最想自己一人獨處呢?這款"雨天項鍊"同時也代表著"壞心情".它正描述著滂沱大雨下烏雲撐著一把傘...透露著...本人今天心情不好, 請勿打擾的思緒.

From the necklace above, you can see a rainbow between a sunny cloud and rainy cloud. This necklace I call it "Rainbow" which means "Getting Better ". It would like to tell after rainny day (bad mood), the rainbow  comes up. Now my mood is getting better and moving forward to be in a good mood!

Have you noticed that when people are in good mood, they just can't hide their smiles. (Especially when they are falling in love). The necklace above is called "Lovely Day" which reveals I am "In a Good Mood" . It also shows a lovey day with the sun and gorgeous clouds. It just exactly represents that kind of good mood!
不知道你有沒沒察覺過,當人在心情好的時候就會不自覺微笑.(尤其是戀愛中的人特別會有這樣的情形).上面照片裡的項鍊就叫做"晴朗" 也代表著"好心情". 湛藍的好天氣由緩緩升起的太陽 & 柔和的雲朵組合而成正, 美美的好天氣正敘述著這股好心情..

Jul 19, 2010


很多客人對於我的工作室很好奇.........很想來參觀我的工作情況....礙於不起眼的工作室就在家裡倉庫... 不好意思曝光.....


突然看到最後一張照片,有沒有覺得照片中展覽的某兩樣陳列道具很眼熟阿........抽屜陳列道具其實就是我工作桌的抽屜.....(請看上一張照片,就可清楚了解) 當時新一代設計展瑞典展區展覽時,陳列道具都是自己準備或製作........為了營造作品的氛圍.....靈機一動, 將金工工作桌的抽屜拿來當陳列道具....當然展覽完畢後.......也就再將抽屜歸位了......


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