"出遊" 耳環(925銀 + 麂皮 ) / "Fly Around" earrings (925silver + suede )
When things we can see or get easily in our daily lives, normally we often take it for granted. Natural Breeze collection is the creatures or plants I see during my daily life, and I transform it to my inspiration.
從小就住在山邊, 每天看到樹或山是很習引為常的事.從我房門看出去就能看到大自然景像,早上被小鳥歌唱聲吵醒. 至於在我家後院看到松鼠活動也是很平常的事. 到了晚上還有青蛙跟昆蟲鳴叫聲哄我入睡. 小時候看到山羊在住家附近逛大街真的是見怪不怪. 哈哈!我可是很會模仿山羊的叫聲喔!
My back home is on a small hill which is surrounded by mountains. Threes just opposite my window form my room, There are always birds flying around or singing in the morning to wake me up. Bumping in to squirrels in my backyard it's pretty common.During the night, the fogs and insects sing to make me sleep. when I was kid see goats and walked around in the neighborhood,it's totally not strange at all. ha ...I am very good at mimicing the sound goat making !
During studying in Sweden, my place was next to a lake and forest. I quite often took a short cut to school by thru the forest. I even ran into a deer when I was pushing my bike to my storage in backyard.It's a very interesting experience since when the deer and I had eye contact, both of us stared at each other for a while, and then we just frozen for a while.very funny.
Here I upload some of my work. I will upload ring later on.
The first one "Fly Around" earrings and necklace.From those work you can see the couple of bird, they seems having easy lives and just fly around ! quite laid back.!
第2件作品是"搖曳".如同你所看到, 花朵們懸盪在樹枝上.由這件作品我想表達,炎炎夏日,當微風徐徐的吹,花朵們在樹枝上柔柔的搖曳著. 讓人看了整個人都愜意放鬆下來.還有順帶ㄧ提,當你戴著 "搖曳"耳環時,它也會在你耳下輕盈搖曳著喔!!! 你可以選擇只戴單邊"搖曳"耳環喔!!!也很有型喔.
Second one is "Swim ",as you can see that the flowers linger on the branch.From this work I just want to describe during the summer time that flowers are swimming softly when breeze blows, and it looks so relax and makes us calm.By the way when you wear them,they will swim just like they do on a branch. ha ha !!
Dear Serena,我們是一個網路時尚概念店BAR Tender,我是zoe,偶然逛到妳的商品,覺得好有趣~想問妳有沒有合作的可能呢?
請問一下 我是amy 我今天有去松山菸廠 我想要買那個小鳥休憩手鐲 我想要黃色的鳥 你今天說我手比較小要帶ss的 怎麼跟您購買與付款交貨呢? 我的信箱pm203@ask123.com.tw