Jun 29, 2009

保養小叮嚀 / Maintenance and Care

1. 不論是否電鍍,金屬氧化現象均屬正常現象,若要恢復金屬光澤度.如果是銀飾可以拭銀布輕輕 擦拭.若是電鍍商品可以用眼鏡布輕輕擦拭.
Metal jewelry begins to dull, which is a natural occurrence when it reacts with the air.
For 925sterling silver, please use silver-polishing cloth to polish it gently to remove tarnish built-up.
For plated jewelry, please use eyeglass cloth to polish it gently to remove tarnish built-up.

2. 避免與香水、化妝品等化學物質接觸;進入溫泉區、遊泳池、海邊或洗澡、游泳、做家事、劇烈運動或搬運重物前,應先取下收納。
Please remove your jewelry before working out, heavy lifting, using or applying any chemical substances, any perfume and make up. Keeping your jewelry away from swimming pool or hot spring is essential too.

Please avoid your jewelry touched water or store in damp conditions, if so ,please clean it and store it after drying thoroughly by hair dryer.

4. 織品麂皮材質上的髒污,可利用乾淨橡皮擦輕輕拭除。
Please use clean eraser to wipe a stain or dirt softly from suede-look fabric.

With proper care, sterling silver or plated jewelry will last for long time in a good condition. Please always clean your jewelry before sealing it in a plastic or cloth bag to minimize exposure to oxygen, humidity, and damage.

6. 若遇到無法處理之保養問題,歡迎與購買店家聯繫或請專家處理。
If you are not sure about how to take care of your jewelry, please do not hesitate to ask the shop where you purchase or the experts is welcomed.

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